By David Norczyk
First, election is biblical (Lk 23:35; Rom 11:5; Eph 1:4–5; 2 Tim 2:10; 2 Thess 2:13; 1 Pet 2:9). Nobody denies this, but how election is defined is in dispute. Second, election is eternal. God chose a people for Himself before He created anything in the material/physical universe (Rev 13:8; 17:8). Third, because election is eternal, it is unchangeable. God Himself is immutable, therefore, what He purposes will come to pass. Fourth, when God chose His people before creation, He was entirely free. He was constrained by nothing. Fifth, the eternal purpose of God in election comes from His eternal will. Sixth, God’s eternal will is the result of His eternal counsel. Seventh, God’s eternal counsel comes from His eternal good pleasure. Eighth, election is theo-centric. Election is of God, and is not conditioned by anyone nor anything else. God is the subject in election. Ninth, election is unconditional. God makes His free will choice without any foreseen circumstances. Tenth, election is decreed. God has issued an eternal decree, which establishes the election of those He has determined to save by His grace, in time. Eleventh, election is personal. God knows each person He has created and for what purpose He has created them, whether that be election or reprobation. Twelfth, election is God’s choice. Considering all people deserve eternal punishment, having gone the way of sin, it is only mercy on God’s part to save some. Those He elected are those He saves. Thirteenth, election finds no grounds in its objects. There is nothing that makes a man elect-able. Fourteenth, election is gratuitous and unmerited. Man does no work to gain election. Fifteenth, election is the fountain of every saving good. Every item in the order of salvation results from election. Sixteenth, election includes the glorious end, as well as the means to that end, meaning the whole of salvation. Seventeenth, there is only one election, which results in only one people of God. There are not many elections, producing more than one people of God. The one people of God are His elect. Eighteenth, election is all grace. If one is elect, it is only by God’s grace. Nineteenth, election is sovereign. God, in His absolute wisdom and power, freely chooses a select group. Twentieth, election has a definite number of individuals who make up Christ’s body, the church. My thanks for the work of Homer C. Hoeksema, “Voice of the Fathers”. 2nd edition. (Jenison: Reformed Free Publishing Association, 2013), which is a commentary on the Canons of Dordrecht 1619. The above list is a concise summary of my notes on election taken from his excellent work.
AuthorTim Wills Archives
June 2023
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